Copper will oxidise over time as it comes in contact with your skin's natural oils. I have sealed every piece to ensure your copper stays shiny for as long as possible.

To prolong the life of the clear lacquer:

- Avoid exposure to water

- Avoid perfumes, fragrances and lotions

- Avoid all chemicals (please remove ring when doing household cleaning)

- Wipe jewellery with soft cloth after being worn

To restore the copper's shine, simply wipe the piece with lemon juice and salt on a soft cloth


With proper care your gold-filled jewellery will last a long time and won't tarnish as quickly.

The question "can I wear my gold-filled jewellery in water?" gets asked A LOT. While you technically can wear it in water, to really maximise your gold-filled jewellery piece's lifespan, it is not recommended.  It also depends on how you wear your jewellery pieces. If you're out surfing for a couple hours every day then that sort of prolonged exposure to water is not ideal. If you forget to take your gold filled necklace off when getting into the shower, a few minutes exposure shouldn't make much of a difference. However, when exposed to water it is always best to wipe the piece down with a soft cloth afterwards. 

Pleaseeeee, I beg of you!... Avoid toxins and harsh chemicals when wearing any jewellery pieces! Household chemicals such as bleach and cleaning chemicals can damage any type of jewellery. Also, try to avoid perfumes, sprays and chlorinated water. The metals in your jewellery can react with acids in the chemicals, which could cause your jewellery's colour to alter over time. 

Sweat can also dull your jewellery so it's best to remove jewellery when working out. I can also say firsthand, that I have banged my necklace on my tooth while running and let me tell you... it does not feel nice!

When not wearing your jewellery, it is recommended that you store it in a cloth pouch where it cannot be scratched and damaged. I also recommend that you do a routine clean with a soft cloth every few months to keep your jewellery nice and shiny. 


Caring for sterling silver is similar to caring for gold filled. However, sterling silver does hold up better in water. 

- Avoid toxins and harsh chemicals (including lotions and fragrances) when wearing any jewellery pieces!

- Remove jewellery while working out 

- While you can wear your sterling silver jewellery in water, please steer clear of chlorinated water

It is always good to take off your sterling silver rings every once in a while to let your skin breathe and to clean your jewellery. 

When not wearing your jewellery, it is recommended that you store it in a cloth pouch where it cannot be scratched and damaged. I also recommend that you do a routine clean with a soft cloth every few months to keep your jewellery nice and shiny. 

NOTE: When cleaning any jewellery pieces with stones and/or shells, please avoid cleaning the stones as some are soft and porous and can be easily damaged.